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The Nevada Touring Initiative (NTI) Traveling Exhibition Program delivers high quality visual arts exhibits to communities throughout the state for an affordable fee. The cost includes rental of the artwork, installation and pick-up, insurance, and publicity and educational materials. NTI exhibits features an array of subjects and art forms, ranging from traditional Washoe basketry to landscape painting and contemporary sculpture.

Managed by the  Artist Services Program, the Nevada Touring Initiative (NTI) Traveling Exhibition Program delivers high quality visual arts exhibits to communities throughout the state for an affordable fee. The cost includes rental of the artwork, installation and pick-up, insurance, and publicity and educational materials. NTI exhibits features an array of subjects and art forms, ranging from traditional Washoe basketry to landscape painting and contemporary sculpture.

Exhibit Sponsors
An eligible sponsor can be any Nevada community oriented, nonprofit organization with 501(c)3 status or currently registered as an agent of a governmental body (i.e. correctional institution, park district, college or public library), willing to undertake local responsibility for presenting NTI events. Sponsors may include local arts agencies, arts organizations, community centers, museums, libraries, and colleges. Each sponsoring site is required to appoint one person to act as the NTI Sponsor and NAC’s contact person.

Exhibition Components

Each exhibition is available for eight (8) weeks and includes:

  • Installation/Pick-up: Exhibits are delivered by the NTI-Installer. Exhibition installation is provided, with the exception of sponsors that are professional museums and galleries
  • Insurance: Artwork is insured under the State of Nevada’s insurance policy
  • Publicity Materials: Includes exhibition press releases, media contacts and three images of exhibit artwork
  • Gallery Notes: Includes interpretive and biographical information about exhibit artist(s)

Wall Space Requirements

To prevent any damage or loss of the artwork, it is necessary that exhibition areas be as secure as possible. Please check each exhibit for specific space and exhibition requirements, as they do vary.

  • Most exhibitions require approximately 70-100 linear feet of wall space.
  • All walls should be prepared for hanging (patched and painted) and be clear of previous displays prior to the scheduled installation.

Security, Care of Exhibition Artwork and Crate Storage Requirements

Although the State of Nevada insures the NTI artwork, the Exhibit Sponsor must give to objects borrowed the same care as it does comparable property of its own by providing the following:

  • Precautions must be taken to protect objects from fire, theft, mishandling, dirt, insects, and extremes of light, temperature and humidity while in the Exhibit Sponsor’s custody.
  • Under no circumstances may the Exhibit Sponsor remove any NTI artwork from the designated exhibition space without prior written authorization from NAC. It is understood that all objects will remain in the condition received and will not be repaired, restored, cleaned or altered in any way without written permission from NAC.
  • Sponsors are required to store the exhibit crates in a safe place on site during the entire exhibition.

Rental Fee
The artwork rental cost is $150 per exhibition. Approval of the application is based on the availability of the exhibit requested and program funding which is determined on a first-come, first-served basis. Exhibit Sponsors may not apply for other NAC Grants to support NTI activities.



Staff can guide both new and experienced sponsors through the steps necessary to present rewarding community arts events by providing information and technical assistance in such areas as planning, publicity and audience development. Please contact, Artist Services Program Coordinator, Fran Morrow, 775.687.7106 or email.