HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS & TEACHERS! Register Now for 2019 Nevada Poetry Out Loud

Photo: 2018 Nevada Poetry Out Loud District Finalists
The fourteenth year of the Poetry Out Loud National Recitation Contest is kicking into high gear. Again, Nevada Poetry Out Loud (POL) will occur statewide, with Nevada’s high schools participating. Structured similarly to the National Spelling Bee, POL begins in communities throughout the state as high school-aged students in public, private, charter, home and virtual schools master public speaking skills, build self-confidence and learn about their literary heritage through the memorization of classic and contemporary poetry.
After district competitions, semi-finalists travel to Reno on March 16, 2019 to compete in the Nevada State Final. The Nevada State Champion receives $500 and his/her school receives $500 for the purchase of poetry books and to support literary programs/residencies. The Student placing second receives $200 and $200 for their school while the third place student receives $100.
The Nevada State Champion will compete for the top scholarship prize of $20,000 and the title of Poetry Out Loud National Champion at the Poetry Out Loud National Finals in Washington, D.C., April 29 – May 1, 2019. A total of $50,000 in scholarship and school prizes will be awarded.
Download POL flyer with registration form or contact Maryjane Dorofachuk, Arts Learning & POL State Coordinator, at email or call 702.486.3738.
For more information on Poetry Out Loud go to https://www.poetryoutloud.org/