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The Nevada Arts Council announced Friday the awarding of more than $1million in statewide grants to 172 recipients ranging from individual artists to nonprofit organizations and public institutions for the 2020 fiscal year.

Grants were awarded in the following competitive categories:  Operating Support; Community Impact; Project for Organizations; Arts Learning Project; Artist Fellowship (Contemporary Arts and Folk and Traditional Arts); Fellowship Project Grant and FY20 Project Grant for Artists – Cycle A. Grant panelists reviewed, deliberated and scored applications in public hearings and final recommendations were approved by the Nevada Arts Council Board at its June 27 meeting.

Following are each of the grant categories and grant recipients:

Operating Support Grant ($543,868.07)

Operating Support Grants strengthen Nevada’s arts infrastructure by supporting the general operations of non-profit arts organizations throughout the state. The most competitive applicants offer ongoing, sustained, high-quality outreach programs and arts services or artistic programming in their communities. This two-year grant supports funding for general operating expenses including administrative salaries and benefits, payroll expenses, insurance, facility space rental, utilities and contracted and professional services.

Grants panelists were: Kellen Braddock, Managing Director, Black Mountain Institute – Las Vegas; Ray Gargano, Grants & Cultural Programs Coordinator, Sacramento Metropolis Arts Commission – Sacramento, California; Alexis Hill, Arts, Culture, & Special Events Manager, City of Reno; Melvin Henley, Organizational Development Consultant, Nonprofit Enterprise at Work – Detroit, Michigan and Candace Kita, Cultural Work Manager, Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon, Portland, Ore.

Recipient                                                                            Location                       Amount

A Public Fit Corporation                                                     Las Vegas                      $3,500.00

A.V.A. Ballet Theatre                                                          Reno                             $16,000.00

Artown                                                                                Reno                             $23,500.00

Arts for All Nevada                                                             Reno                             $13,350.00

Brewery Arts Center                                                           Carson City                   $18,600.00

Brüka Theatre of the Sierra                                               Reno                             $6,000.00

Burlesque Hall of Fame, Inc.                                              Las Vegas                      $10,500.00

Capital City Arts Initiative                                                   Carson City                   $4,000.00

Carson City Symphony Association, Inc.                            Carson City                   $3,500.00

Carson Valley Arts Council                                                 Minden                         $8,000.00

Churchill Arts Council                                                         Fallon                            $13,650.00

Classical Tahoe                                                                   Incline Village               $18,000.00

Foundation to Assist Young Musicians                              Las Vegas                      $4,500.00

Friends of the Las Vegas Youth Orchestras                       Las Vegas                      $8,000.00

Get in the Act! Arts in Action                                             Dayton                          $3,500.00

Good Luck Macbeth Theatre Company                             Reno                             $3,500.00

Lake Tahoe Shakespeare Festival                                       Incline Village               $22,750.00

Las Vegas Philharmonic                                                      Las Vegas                      $22,500.00

Left of Center Art Gallery                                                   North Las Vegas           $3,500.00

Mile High Jazz Band Association                                        Carson City                   $3,500.00

Nevada Ballet Theatre                                                       Las Vegas                      $22,250.00

Nevada Museum of Art                                                      Reno                             $20,000.00

Nevada School of the Arts                                                  Las Vegas                      $12,000.00

Noteable Music Therapy Services                                      Reno                             $15,000.00

NV Woodchucks, Inc.                                                         Reno                             $3,500.00

Opera Las Vegas                                                                 Las Vegas                      $7,000.00

Orgonym DBA Artech                                                         Reno                             $3,000.00

Reno Chamber Orchestra                                                  Reno                             $12,000.00

Reno Jazz Orchestra                                                           Reno                             $8,900.00

Reno Little Theater                                                             Reno                             $13,950.00

Reno Philharmonic Association                                          Reno                             $22,500.00

Reno Pops Orchestra                                                         Reno                             $4,000.00

Sierra Arts Foundation                                                        Reno                             $16,568.07

Sierra Nevada Ballet                                                           Reno                             $8,700.00

Sierra School of Performing Arts                                        Reno                             $7,000.00

Signature Productions                                                        Las Vegas                      $10,500.00

Sin City Opera DBA Vegas City Opera                                Henderson                    $4,600.00

Southern Nevada Musical Arts Society                              Las Vegas                      $3,500.00

St. Mary’s Art Center                                                          Virginia City                  $7,000.00

The Desert Chorale                                                            Las Vegas                      $3,500.00

The Dr. Shirley Linzy Young Artists Orchestra                   Henderson                    $8,800.00

The Generator                                                                    Sparks                           $9,000.00

The Holland Project                                                            Reno                             $12,000.00

The Neon Museum                                                             Las Vegas                      $22,250.00

The Orchestra and Community Choral

Artists of the Tahoe Area (Toccata)                                   Incline Village               $6,000.00

The Reno Dance Company                                                 Sparks                           $9,000.00

The Smith Center for the Performing Arts                         Las Vegas                      $23,000.00

Virgin Valley Artists Association                                         Mesquite                      $3,500.00

Western Folklife Center                                                     Elko                               $22,500.00

Wild Horse Productions                                                      Carson City                   $4,000.00

Yerington Theatre for the Arts                                           Yerington                      $8,000.00


FY20 Project Grant for Organizations ($203,629.93)

The Project Grant for Organizations (PGO) supports the arts and cultural activities of organizations and public institutions. Funds may be used to support the execution of one activity/project or a suite of related activities. Examples of eligible projects include art exhibitions, performances, reading, concerts, festivals, and lifelong learning activities.

Grant panelists were: Andrew Akufo, Executive Director, Healdsburg Center for the Arts – Healdsburg, California; Kayla Boettcher, Executive Director, Sitka Summer Music Festival – Sitka, Alaska; Thomas Michel, Director of Development, Nevada Ballet Theatre – Las Vegas; Lindsay Wilson, Professor, Truckee Meadows Community College – Reno.


Recipient                                                                         Location                          Amount

Build Our Center, Inc.                                                                          Reno                                           $4,000.00

Carson Valley Community Theatre                                                 Minden                                      $4,500.00

Channel 5 Public Broadcasting, Inc.                                               Reno                                           $4,500.00

City of Reno Arts & Culture Commission                                      Reno                                           $4,000.00

CNY in the Desert                                                                                 Henderson                               $4,000.00

Cockroach Theatre Company                                                           Las Vegas                                  $3,500.00

Controlled Burn                                                                                     Reno                                           $3,500.00

Creative Writing Department (Sierra Nevada College)           Incline Village                          $4,500.00

Da African Village                                                                                  Las Vegas                                  $4,500.00

David J. Drakulich Foundation

for Freedom of Expression                                                                Reno                                           $4,500.00

Department of Local Arts (City of Las Vegas)                             Las Vegas                                  $1,648.50

Department of Music (University of Nevada, Reno)               Reno                                           $5,000.00

Department of Visual and Public Art (City of Las Vegas)        Las Vegas                                  $2,250.00

Department of National Performing Arts

Touring (City of Las Vegas Office of Cultural Affairs)               Las Vegas                                  $4,000.00

Eureka Restoration Enterprise                                                         Eureka                                        $3,500.00

Fine Arts Department (Sierra Nevada College)                          Incline Village                          $4,500.00

Friends of India Las Vegas                                                                 Las Vegas                                  $3,000.00

Friends of Nevada Wilderness                                                         Sparks                                         $1,664.04

Goldwell Open Air Museum                                                             Rhyolite                                     $4,500.00

Henderson Symphony Orchestra                                                   Henderson                               $3,000.00

Henderson Writers Group                                                                 Henderson                               $4,500.00

Historic Reno Preservation Society                                                Reno                                           $3,600.00

Kizuna Japanese Society                                                                    Henderson                               $4,500.00

Laika Press                                                                                               Reno                                           $1,580.09

Lake Tahoe Classic Guitar Society                                                   Incline Village                          $2,700.00

Las Vegas Book Festival Department

(City of Las Vegas Office of Cultural Affairs)                               Las Vegas                                  $4,000.00

Las Vegas Men’s Chorus                                                                     Las Vegas                                  $3,000.00

Las Vegas Pipe Band                                                                             North Las Vegas                     $4,000.00

Las Vegas Tap Fest DBA SoundSteps                                             Las Vegas                                  $2,000.00

Latino ARTE                                                                                             Reno                                           $4,000.00

Making Music Matter Foundation                                                  Las Vegas                                  $4,000.00

Marjorie Barrick Museum of Art (UNLV)                                     Las Vegas                                  $4,000.00

Nevada Gay Men’s Chorus                                                                Reno                                           $3,430.00

Nevada Humanities                                                                              Reno                                           $4,000.00

Nevada Indian Commission                                                               Carson City                                $4,500.00

Nevada Public Radio                                                                            Las Vegas                                  $4,500.00

Nevada Women’s Film Collective                                                    Las Vegas                                  $4,000.00

New Dance Foundation for the Arts, Inc                                      Las Vegas                                  $2,013.00

Northern Nevada Bluegrass Association                                      Reno                                           $4,500.00

Opportunity Village                                                                              Las Vegas                                  $4,000.00

Proscenium Players Inc.                                                                      Carson City                                $3,500.00

Red Mountain Music Company                                                       Boulder City                              $4,000.00

Robert Belliveau, Rita Abbey Foundation DBA

Desert Space Foundation/Las Vegas

Jewish Film Festival                                                                              Henderson                               $4,500.00

Sassabration Inc.                                                                                   Carson City                                $3,500.00

School of the Arts (University of Nevada, Reno)                       Reno                                           $4,500.00

Shooting the West                                                                                Winnemucca                            $3,500.00

Sierra Women’s Ensemble DBA Bella Voce                                 Reno                                           $4,000.00

Southern Nevada Chapter of the American

Guild of Organists                                                                                 Las Vegas                                  $4,000.00

Tahoe Chamber Music Society                                                         Incline Village                          $4,000.00

The Comstock Foundation for History and Culture                  Virginia City                              $2,700.00

The Lab LV                                                                                               Las Vegas                                  $4,000.00

The Las Vegas Master Singers Ltd.                                                  Las Vegas                                  $4,000.00

The Speeding Theatre-Over 55                                                        Henderson                               $2,544.30

TheatreWorks of Northern Nevada                                               Sparks                                         $3,500.00

UNLV Chamber Music Society                                                          Las Vegas                                  $4,000.00


FY20 Arts Learning Project Grant ($149,517)

The Arts Learning Project Grant (ALP) Grant is an annual project grant designed to support arts learning activities, teaching artist residencies, and teacher training for Pre-K through 12th grade. These arts learning activities provide a unique opportunity for students to work with practicing artists through workshops, classes, lectures, discussions, performances and community events.

Grant panelists were: Wayne Cook, Program Specialist-Retired, California Arts Council – Sacramento; Kevin Eberle-Noel, Director of Orchestra Operations and Education, Las Vegas Philharmonic – Las Vegas; Carol Quinn, Professor, University of Nevada, Reno – Reno; Stacey Spain, Professor, Truckee Meadows Community College.


Recipient                                                                                        Location                                                Amount

A Public Fit Theatre Company                                                Las Vegas                                              $4,000.00

Artown                                                                                            Reno                                                       $3,500.00

Arts for the Schools                                                                    Truckee                                                 $4,000.00

Brewery Arts Center                                                                  Carson City                                           $3,000.00

Bruka Theatre of the Sierra, Inc                                             Reno                                                       $4,000.00

Carson City Symphony Association, Inc.                             Carson City                                           $4,500.00

Carson Valley Arts Council                                                       Minden                                                  $2,345.00

Clark County Children’s Choir                                                 Las Vegas                                              $4,000.00

Clark County Public Education Foundation, Inc.              Las Vegas                                              $4,000.00

Department Arts Camps (City of Las Vegas)                     Las Vegas                                              $3,500.00

DISCOVERY Children’s Museum                                             Las Vegas                                              $2,672.00

Get in the Act! Arts in Action                                                  Dayton                                                   $3,500.00

Good Luck Macbeth Theatre Company                              Reno                                                       $4,500.00

House of Blues Music Forward Foundation                       Las Vegas                                              $4,500.00

Lake Tahoe Shakespeare Festival                                         Incline Village                                      $4,500.00

Nevada Museum of Art                                                             Reno                                                       $4,000.00

Northern Nevada Arts Council                                                Winnemucca                                       $4,000.00

Notes with a Purpose                                                                Henderson                                           $4,000.00

Opera Las Vegas                                                                          Las Vegas                                              $4,500.00

Pioneer Center for the Performing Arts                              Reno                                                       $4,500.00

Rainbow Company Youth Theatre (City of Las Vegas)   Las Vegas                                              $4,500.00

Reno Jazz Orchestra                                                                   Reno                                                       $4,500.00

Reno Little Theater                                                                     Reno                                                       $4,000.00

Reno Philharmonic Association                                              Reno                                                       $5,000.00

Reno Pops Orchestra                                                                 Reno                                                       $3,000.00

Sierra Arts Foundation                                                              Reno                                                       $4,000.00

Sierra Nevada Ballet                                                                   Reno                                                       $4,500.00

Sierra Nevada Chapter of the American

Orff Shulwerk Association                                                        Sparks                                                    $4,000.00

Sierra School of Performing Arts                                           Reno                                                       $3,500.00

Sierra Watercolor Society                                                        Reno                                                       $3,000.00

Sin City Opera DBA Vegas City Opera                                  Henderson                                           $5,000.00

Tahoe Arts Project                                                                      S. Lake Tahoe                                      $3,500.00

The Children’s Museum of Northern Nevada                   Carson City                                           $3,500.00

The Reno Dance Company                                                       Sparks                                                    $4,000.00

The Smith Center for the Performing Arts                         Las Vegas                                              $4,500.00

Western Folklife Center                                                            Elko                                                         $4,500.00

Wild Horse Productions                                                            Carson City                                           $4,000.00

Yerington Theater for the Arts                                               Yerington                                              $3,000.00


FY20-21 Community Impact Grant ($7,500 per year; $15,000 total)

The Community Impact Grant (CIG) is a two-year grant that supports structural change in communities across Nevada through strategic planning, community engagement, and arts participation.

Grants panelists were: Kellen Braddock, Managing Director, Black Mountain Institute – Las Vegas; Melvin Henley, Organizational Development Consultant, Nonprofit Enterprise at Work – Detroit, Michigan; Candace Kita, Cultural Work Manager, Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon – Portland, Oregon.


Recipient                                                                            Location                       Amount

City of Sparks                                                                      Sparks                           $15,000


FY20 Artist Fellowship Grant, Contemporary Arts ($25,000)

The Artist Fellowship Grant (AFG) celebrates the vitality of Nevada’s contemporary arts. It recognizes outstanding individual artists living in Nevada who demonstrate excellence in their work. By acknowledging outstanding artistic accomplishment, the program promotes public awareness and appreciation of the role of the artist in our society.

Grant panelists were: Ivan Lozano, an artist residing in Chicago; Sheila Miles, an artist residing in Santa Fe, New Mexico; Irene Tsatsos, an artist, writer, and Director of Exhibition Programs/Chief Curator at the Armory Center for the Arts, residing in Pasadena, California.


Recipient                                                                                                     Location                                     Amount

Matthew Couper (PAINTING/PRINTMAKING)                                Las Vegas                                  $5,000

Jen Graham (DRAWING/MIXED MEDIA)                                          Reno                                           $5,000

Sarah Lillegard (CERAMICS/SCULPTURE)                                         Reno                                           $5,000

Marshall Scheuttle (PHOTOGRAPHY)                                                Las Vegas                                  $5,000

Austin Pratt (PAINTING/PRINTMAKING)                                          Reno                                           $5,000


FY20 Artist Fellowship Grant, Folk and Traditional Artists ($5,000)

The Artist Fellowship Grant (AFG) celebrates the vitality of Nevada’s Folk and Traditional Arts. It recognizes outstanding individual artists living in Nevada who demonstrate excellence in their work. By acknowledging outstanding artistic accomplishment, the program promotes public awareness and appreciation of the role of the artist in our society.

Grant panelists were: Adrienne Decker, Folk Arts Specialist, Utah Division of Arts & Museums – Salt Lake City, Utah; Brad McMullen, Programs and Gathering Manager, Western Folklife Center – Elko; Langston Collin Wilkins, Director, Center for Washington Cultural Traditions – Seattle


Recipient                                                                                                           Location                Amount

Doug Groves (RAWHIDE BRAIDING)                                                       Carlin                      $5,000



FY20/21 FELLOWSHIP PROJECT GRANT ($6,500 FY20, $500 FY21 – total $7,000)

The Fellowship Project Grant (FPG) is designed to support artists working in all disciplines who have received two or more NAC Artist Fellowship Grants. These artists are recognized for continuing artistic accomplishment and are actively participating in their art form as practitioners, teachers, or both. This two-year grant recognized the commitment of NAC Fellows and supports projects that encourage the development of new work to share with the public. The Grant Review Panel charged with reviewing the FY20/21 Fellowship Project Grant convened in a public meeting June 13, 2019 to discuss and score 4 applications.

Grant panelists were: Joe Atack, Director of Education, Lake Tahoe Shakespeare Festival – Reno; Sarah Lillegard, Interdisciplinary Artist – Reno; Eric Neuenfeldt, Writer – Philo, California.


Recipient                                                                                                          Location              Amount

Ann Keniston                                                                                                    Reno                      $7,000



 The Project Grant for Artists (PGA) supports individual artists in the production and presentation of artistic projects. The PGA is awarded twice a year for projects that take place during a specified six-month period. Examples of eligible projects include art exhibitions, performances, reading, concerts, the creation of art, portfolio creation, and marketing/promotional activities related to an arts project.

Grant panelists were: Joe Atack, Director of Education, Lake Tahoe Shakespeare Festival – Reno; Sarah Lillegard, Interdisciplinary Artist – Reno; Eric Neuenfeldt, Writer – Philo, California;  Shakeh Ghoukasian, Executive and Artistic Director, Nevada School of the Arts – Henderson.


Recipient                                                                          Location                                                Amount

Adriana Chavez                                                               Las Vegas                                               $1,200.00

Chase McKenna                                                              Reno                                                        $900.00

Cindy Gray                                                                         Reno                                                        $900.00

Deborah A. Lambin                                                        Carson City                                           $1,050.00

Erik Beehn                                                                         Las Vegas                                               $1,200.00

Ginger Land-van Buuren                                             Henderson                                             $900.00

Heather Klein                                                                   Las Vegas                                               $1,050.00

Heather Lang-Cassera                                                 Las Vegas                                               $370.85

Joseph Tatum                                                                  Reno                                                        $900.00

Keely Cobb                                                                        Reno                                                        $1,050.00

Lisa Wright                                                                        North Las Vegas                                  $539.55

Michael Spicer                                                                 Henderson                                             $1,350.00

Napoleon Buenrostro                                                   Las Vegas                                               $1,050.00

Paul Fleming                                                                    Reno                                                        $1,200.00

Pierce Kagari Emata                                                     Las Vegas                                               $1,200.00

Ray Li                                                                                   Henderson                                             $1,500.00

Tom Drakulich                                                                 Reno                                                        $1,050.00

Valentin Yordanov                                                         Las Vegas                                               $900.00

Yasmina Chavez                                                              Las Vegas                                               $1,200.00

Zoe Bray                                                                             Reno                                                        $1,350.00

The Nevada Arts Council, a division of the Department of Tourism and Cultural Affairs, was founded in 1967 as the state agency charged with ensuring that state and national funds support cultural activity and encourage participation in the arts throughout Nevada. The agency’s programs and services are designed to support creative expression, animate communities, diversify local economies and provide lifelong learning in the arts for all Nevadans. The Nevada Arts Council is funded by the State of Nevada, the National Endowment for the Arts, and other public and private sources.