With Carol Foldvary Anderson
Lesson Plan:
Calligraphy with Carol Foldvary-Anderson
Worksheet 1:
Typography Vocabulary
Worksheet 2:
L Cropping Sheet
Worksheet 3:
A-Z a-Z for Tracing
Grades: 6-Adult
Calligraphy and our alphabet have a long history tracing back to the beginning of time.
Question? What took place before the printing press, and computer? How did people document information? Why is hand lettering valuable in our current society? Students will come to understand that writing beautifully can evoke an emotion, and is able to influence our vocabulary, and our psyche. Beautiful handwriting has entertained people for generations, and is able to teach us many lessons about ourselves and life. Writing out thoughts and positive verse beautifully is the goal.
Materials: 2 sharp pencils held together with a rubber band, bond paper lined/unlined, scissors and tape