Flora Greene and Patricia Hicks Receive Nevada Heritage Award
The Nevada Heritage Award presentation was held Saturday, Sept. 2, 2017 at the Numaga Days Powwow in Hungry Valley.

From left: Patricia Hicks, Walker River Paiute, NHA recipient; Pat Atkinson, Folklife Program Director; Meg McDonald, nominator; Sherry Rupert, NV Indian Commission; Ben Alleck, Pyramid Lake. In front: Flora Greene, Pyramid Lake Paiute, NHA recipienFlora Greene of the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe (Nixon) and Patricia Hicks of the Walker River Indian Reservation (Schurz) will be presented with the Nevada Heritage Award at 12:00 noon on Saturday, September 2, 2017 at the Reno-Sparks Indian Colony’s Numaga Indian Days Powwow in Hungry Valley.
Nevada Heritage Awards, presented annually by the Folklife Program of the Nevada Arts Council, recognize and celebrate living cultural treasures: individuals who embody the highest level of artistic achievement and the highest level of service. Their accomplishments assure that folk and traditional arts will continue to be known, valued, and practiced in their families and communities. These awards recognize lifelong commitments to mastering, teaching and sharing traditional culture.
Flora Greene of Nixon is a member of the Cui-ui Ticutta Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe. She was born and raised on the reservation and is the oldest living alumna of the Stewart Indian School in Carson City. Now 100 years of age, she grew up speaking the Paiute language at home and learned about traditional foodways and crafts from her parents and family members. Her special knowledge includes tanning and sewing deer hides, traditional beadwork, and basketry. “She has dedicated her whole life to maintaining the American Indian culture and preserving the Indian traditions and Paiute language,” wrote nominator Meg McDonald. “Over the years she has always been eager to teach any and all young people that are willing to listen and learn the Paiute language and to learn the crafting skills, which are not as easy as she makes it look.”
Patricia Hicks was born on the Walker River Indian Reservation and grew up in Schurz. She has been involved in Indian dancing since she was a teenager and has remained involved with this art form for more than 50 years, currently as the director of the Agaidicutta Dance group in Schurz. Patricia is known for her beadwork and makes the traditional regalia for the dancers to wear – buckskin dresses for the girls, shirts and pants for the boys, deerskin moccasins for all. She knows and sings the dance songs and teaches these as well. “I love to hear her sing the beautiful songs of our Numu people. She is a very talented singer and dancer who has always been willing to share her knowledge of the culture and traditions,” wrote Alan Mandell, Vice Chairman of the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe, in his letter supporting this nomination. “Several generations have learned the Bear, Rabbit, Antelope, Eagle, Swan dances (just to name a few) from the youth dance group she leads. Her dance group has performed in many, many places, but more importantly, these generations of youth have learned the traditional ways of the Numu.”