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Ready, Set GoSmart*!

Through a Living Traditions Grant, master artist Atito Gohi shared the culture of the Ivory Coast

Now is the time to apply for a Living Traditions Grant ($1,500) from the Nevada Arts Council. The application for projects taking place July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018, is now open in GoSmart, our new online application system. If you have previously applied for NAC grants using the GO system, you will need to create a new registration and profile with GoSmart.

Eligible applications will be funded until the money has all been allocated, so do not delay. Submit your application at least 6 weeks before the project’s start date.

You must talk with Folklife Program staff before applying for this grant so that we can ensure that your project is eligible in this category – no exceptions.

Please, carefully review the LTG guidelines on the NAC website, then contact us to discuss your proposal.

Pat Atkinson, Folklife Program Director, 775-687-7103,

Rebecca Snetselaar, Folklife Program Specialist, 702-486-3739.

The NAC Grants Program staff is available to help if you have questions or issues, so don’t hesitate to call for assistance: 775-687-6680