Nominate the next Nevada Poet Laureate
The Nevada State Poet Laureate is a Governor appointed position. The panel selection process will be overseen by the Nevada Arts Council, and the selected individual will be submitted to the Governor for final consideration and appointment. The role of the Poet Laureate is to propagate the art of poetry and encourage literacy and learning throughout the state. The position of the Nevada Poet Laureate is a two-year term, beginning at the time of appointment in 2024. You may review the guidelines prior to the nomination period, please note the nomination form will not be activated until the nomination period.
To be considered for the position, all applicants must be nominated first. Please review the Guidelines and ensure your nomination qualifies.
Nominations for the Nevada State Poet Laureate can be submitted here. Self-nominations are accepted.
Nomation period: November 1st, 8:00 a.m. PST through November 30th, 5:00 p.m. PST.
- Provide Nominee name and contact information
- Provide Nominator name, contact information, and title
- Confirm that Nominator has met with Nominee, that both parties have reviewed the guidelines, and that the Nominee agrees to the nomination
- Provide a short paragraph of support about the Nominee
After the nomination period the application period will begin. Nominees will be supplied with a link to apply for the position.
Downlad the flyer, the social media post, and the email header here.
Staff Contact:
Sapira Cheuk – Artist Services Specialist
Stephen Reid – Artist Services Specialist