Meaning is always here

I started the curation of Meaning is Always Here by trying to imagine a persona the Marjorie Barrick Museum of Art might present to Nevadans that live far away and cannot reach us. We at the Museum think we have a good sense of who we are, but how do others perceive us? We shift. Our exhibitions change. Therefore, this exhibition should show that change with artists from different backgrounds and media. The works should reference the real world and represent a transformation through the artists’ decisions, so that we can see where they’re coming from.

Meaning is always here…I think about the artworks that couldn’t be included in this traveling show for reasons of size or fragility. That artwork awaits you here, at the Barrick Museum of Art. Visit us and see.

The Marjorie Barrick Museum of Art is pleased to loan this artwork from our permanent collection to the Nevada Arts Council. Our goal is to help broaden the Museum’s message that everyone deserves access to art that challenges our understanding of the present and inspires us to create a future that holds space for us all. 

Marjorie Barrick Museum of Art Staff
For the Nevada Arts Council
Essay Written by Deanna Sole

14 pieces of two-dimensional art
Introduction panel & wall tags
Quad-fold with essay(English and Spanish)

$150 per 8-week period

Approximately 55 linear feet

October 24, 2022, to December 1, 2024

NTI Resources

NTI-Home Page – general program information
NTI-Exhibits – a list of current exhibits
NTI Schedule – dates of scheduled & available exhibits


Contact: Artist Services Specialist /Art Installer, Stephen Reid at 775.687.7108 or email.