Other Literary Resources & Websites

Academy of American Poets

Provides many resources, such as literary links, the work of contemporary poets, contests, conferences, retreats, etc.

Poetry Daily

A website that provides a daily poem, as well as news archives, articles and new publications by contemporary poets.

Poets & Writers Magazine                                                               

E-version and hard copy available of this magazine that contains articles with practical applications for both emerging and established writers, as well as a comprehensive listing of grants and awards deadlines.

Storytelling Collective

Online learning program that hosts workshops, courses, programs, and events for independent storytellers.

The AWP Writer’s Chronicle                                                                                                                               

Lists upcoming deadlines for grants and awards. Additionally, AWP, which stands for Associated Writing Programs, is the organization for American creative writing programs at the university level. They publish the most comprehensive listing of creative writing programs in the country, The AWP Official Guide to Writing Programs.

The Writer’s Almanac

The Writer’s Almanac, a daily program of poetry and history hosted by Garrison Keillor, can be heard each day on public radio stations throughout the country or by going to the provided link. Each day’s program is about five minutes long—check your local radio listings for the station and time in your area. An entire year of almanac entries is available.

Writer’s Market & Poet’s Market

Both publications list markets for writing and give detailed information for submitting to various journals, magazines, and presses.

Zoo Press

This website is interesting if you explore a bit. One of its most helpful components is the list of book contests it provides, for both fiction and poetry. If you have a manuscript ready, this site lists links to many of the publishers who offer contests for publishing books; it’s a good source of contests for first books as well.