On Aug. 5, Carson City’s Mark Salinas and Tonopah’s Kat Galli launched a 10-month collaborative project as part of the Nevada Art Council’s Basin to Range project, which pairs urban and rural entities to “support long-term structural change in communities across Nevada through strategic planning, community engagement, and artistic design.”
Each month during the project, both towns will come together to participate in monthly mash-ups of public art, online giveaways, and swapping art exhibits.
This month starting on Aug. 13 at 12 p.m., the online giveaway will be 150 limited edition stickers created by Empire 13 Design made specifically for the collaboration. To get a sticker, send an email with your name and mailing address while supplies last.
“The Collaboration is through the Nevada Arts Council’s Basin to Range Exchange,” said Galli, Tourism and Event Coordinator for Tonopah. “Carson and Tonopah were paired based on our similarities — and differences, as well. Our collaboration received a $1,200 grant to pay for some of our project expenses.”
There will be “cultural exchange giveaways” in partnership with the Mizpah Hotel, Shoetree Brewery, Tonopah Brewery, the Carson City Ghostwalk, the Tonopah Ghostwalk, and more.
“Carson City will be exhibiting works from its permanent collection at the Tonopah Arts Festival on Saturday, August 24,” said Salinas, Carson City Arts & Culture Coordinator. “2020 will bring more art exchanges with shows in Carson City Hall and the Tonopah Convention Center.”